In this article, a Double gate reverse T-shaped channel tunnel field effect transistor (DG-RT-TFET) is mathematically modeled. The TFET has the potential for exhibiting various types of tunneling mechanisms. The modeled device encompasses both 1D and 2D Band-to-Band (BTBT) tunneling components, with each component developed in the epi-channel and channel, respectively. The study reveals that the 2D BTBT components exhibit greater dominance in the lower gate bias or subthreshold region, while the 1D BTBT becomes more prominent at higher gate bias voltages. By incorporating both models, a more comprehensive understanding of the DG-RT-TFET behavior can be achieved. To ensure the accuracy and reliability of the developed model, all model parameters are calibrated using the TCAD-sentaurus simulator. By comparing the results obtained from the developed model with the simulation results, it is concluded that the developed model for the DG-RT-TFET is suitable for capturing the device behavior and characteristics.