Telecommunication system is one of the critical lifeline systems for national life and post-earthquake emergency response. Telecommunication equipment is the necessary components to preserve communication functionality of telecommunication system. The severe damage and functionality loss of data center buildings resulting from damage to telecommunication equipment are frequently reported following earthquakes. Thus, there is an increasing need to understand the performance of telecommunication equipment during earthquakes. Seismic investigation of three server cabinets in internet data center buildings are presented in this study. The seismic damage and dynamic characteristics of server cabinets were evaluated and explained in terms of the natural frequency, stress, acceleration, dynamic amplification factor, and deformation by triaxial shaking table tests. The input acceleration time histories were generated based on the required response spectra in YD 5083 code and AC 156 code, with seismic intensities ranging from 0.1 g to 1.2 g. Based on the test results, the effects of different mass distributions inside the cabinets and earthquake inputs were investigated. The seismic damage limit states of server cabinets were identified based on observed damage phenomenon. The corresponding seismic fragility models of server cabinets were developed based on shaking table test data. The results show that the Power Distribution Units inside the cabinets still worked normally and the output voltage was normal for all loading cases although the frame of cabinets suffered severe seismic damage. The normal functionality of server cabinets including more electronic devices and equipment should be carefully checked by shaking table tests.