Urban environment (e.g. greenspaces, air pollution and traffic noise) and individuals' behaviours (e.g. physical activity) have all been associated with mental wellbeing. The large majority of studies on the influence of nature exposure on mental wellbeing assumed that multiple pathways act independently, ignoring the interactions among potential correlated pathways that engage simultaneously. The parallel mediation approach fails to explore the complex associations of combined exposure to air pollution, traffic noise and nature exposure with physical activity, which in turn affect mental wellbeing. Hence, the interest of understanding the sophisticated interactions among different pathways is warranted. We utilized structural equation modelling to simultaneously evaluate whether actual and perceived traffic-related pollution and physical activity mediate the associations between mental wellbeing and nature exposure, which was assessed by Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI), green view index (GVI), green space density and park accessibility. In summer 2022, we conducted questionnaires from 1772 adults residing in 117 neighbourhoods in Shenzhen, China. Nature exposure was positively and directly associated with mental wellbeing in the single mediator model that considered physical activity only. The indirect effects of nature exposure on mental wellbeing were observed through all pathways in all models, except through the perceived acoustic quality pathway in the serial mediation model. In addition, the percentage mediated by perceived air quality was higher than that of perceived acoustic quality. The influence of nature exposure on mental wellbeing was only for a small proportion mediated by the physical activity pathway. The associations between nature exposure and mental wellbeing were modified by individual characteristics, such as gender, age, income level and alcohol usage, but not employment status and smoking behaviour. These findings point out the importance of both objective and subjective environmental features and human behaviours on mental wellbeing, as well as the necessity of considering multiple pathways simultaneously.