We explore and report for the first time the use of 1 H saturation transfer difference NMR experiments (STD-NMR) in weakly aligning chiral anisotropic media to identify the hydrogen sites of enantiomers of small chiral molecules interacting with the side-chain of poly-γ-benzyl-l-glutamate (PBLG), a helically chiral polypeptide polymer. The first experimental results obtained on three model mono-stereogenic compounds outcomes are highly promising and demonstrate the possibility to track down possible differences of spatial position of enantiomers at the vicinity of the polymer side-chain. Anisotropic STD experiments appear to be well suited for rapid screening of chiral analytes that bind favorably to orienting polymeric systems, while providing new insights into the mechanism of enantio-discrimination without resorting to the time-consuming determination of molecular order parameters.