The accumulation, mobilization, and distribution of toxic metal(loid)s in rice are key factors that affect food security and determine bio-utilization patterns. In this study, five soil amendments with different components were used in paddy fields to study the key factors: organic amendments: (1) polyaspartic acid (OA1) and (2) organic fertilizer (OA2); inorganic amendments: (3) kaolinite (IA1) and (4) magnesium slag (IA2); and organic-inorganic composite amendments: (5) modified biochar/quicklime (OIA). Although the Cd and As exhibited opposite chemical dissolution behaviors, IA1/OIA, can simultaneously reduce their accumulation and transfer coefficients in rice tissues, while other amendments only work for one of them. The in situ distribution in grains showed that IA1/OIA changed the original Cd distribution in the lemma and palea, whereas all amendments reduced Cd accumulation in the germ. In contrast, OA1/IA2 amendments led to more As accumulation in the rice husks and bran than in the endosperm center, and the germ had higher As signals. Because of their similar transport pathways and interactions, the concentrations of Cd and As in the grains were correlated with a variety of mineral elements (Fe, Mo, Zn, etc.). Changes in the Cd/As concentration and distribution in rice were achieved through the improvement of soil properties and plant growth behavior through amendments. The application of OIA resulted in the highest immobilization indices, at 82.17 % and 35.34 % for Cd and As, respectively. The Cd/As concentrations in the rice grains were highly positively correlated with extractable-Cd/As in the soil (Cd: R2 = 0.95, As: R2 = 0.93). These findings reveal the migration and distribution mechanisms of Cd and As in the soil-rice system, and thus provide fundamental information for minimizing food safety risk.