Kern County is one of the most valuable agricultural counties in the nation. This, however, is being put in jeopardy with the recently implemented Sustainable Groundwater Management Act (SGMA) in response to the ongoing California drought and extensive groundwater pumping for irrigation. The Groundwater Sustainability Agencies (GSAs) are responsible for developing Groundwater Sustainability Plans to address the new SGMA policies. The objective of this paper is to examine the Kern Groundwater Sustainability Plan (KGSP), determine its strengths and weaknesses, and provide recommendations for the updated plan released in 2025. The plan performs well in defining criteria that must be met, but fails to address how these goals will be implemented. Based on our policy analysis, our recommendations include standardizing groundwater management terms across sub-basins, defining clear measurements of undesirable results, utilizing financial (dis)incentives to encourage groundwater users to manage water sustainably, and increasing interconnections between local and state organizations. Importantly, improving this policy process for the SGMA may be an example for critically overdrafted groundwater basins globally on how to more sustainably manage their groundwater.