We report the synthesis and characterization of cubic NaGdF4:Yb/Tm@NaGdF4:Mn core-shell structures. By taking advantage of energy transfer through Yb→Tm→Gd→Mn in these core-shell nanoparticles, we have realized upconversion emission of Mn(2+) at room temperature in lanthanide tetrafluoride based host lattices. The upconverted Mn(2+) emission, enabled by trapping the excitation energy through a Gd(3+) lattice, was validated by the observation of a decreased lifetime from 941 to 532 μs in the emission of Gd(3+) at 310 nm ((6)P(7/2)→(8)S(7/2)). This multiphoton upconversion process can be further enhanced under pulsed laser excitation at high power densities. Both experimental and theoretical studies provide evidence for Mn(2+) doping in the lanthanide-based host lattice arising from the formation of F(-) vacancies around Mn(2+) ions to maintain charge neutrality in the shell layer.