Development and creation of a remote-controlled underwater laser induced breakdown spectrometer for analysis of the chemical composition of sea water and bottom sediments
S. S. Golik,D. Yu. Proschenko,Ivan G. Nagorniy,Yuliya Biryukova,М. Yu. Babiy,В. В. Лисица,A. V. Borovskiy,Yu. N. Kulchin,A. Yu. Mayor,A. A. Ilyin,Natalia N. Golik,T. A. Gevorgyan
The developed underwater laser induced breakdown spectrometer consists of two units: 1- remotely operated vehicle (ROV) with the next main characteristics: work deep – up to 150 meters, maximum speed of immersion 1 m/s, maximum cruise velocity - 2 m/s and 2 – spectrometer unit (SU) consist of a DPSS Nd: YAG laser excitation source (double pulse with 50 mJ energy for each pulse at wavelength 1064 nm, pulse width 12 ns and pulse repetition rate 1-15 Hz, DF251, SOL Instruments), a spectrum recording system (Maya HR4000 or 2000 Pro spectrometer, Ocean Optics) and microcomputer. These two units are connected by Ethernet network and registered spectral data are automatically processed in a MATLAB platform.