Morus alba L. (family Moreaceae), also known as white mulberry, is distinguished as a source of highly promising traditional medicines (including Mori Folium, Mori Fructus, Mori Ramulus and Mori Cortex) and also functional foods. Over the past two decades, the vast majority of the studies with regard to the isolation and bioactivities of M. alba polysaccharides have mainly focused on its leaves and fruits, which are both medicinal and edible. The tender M. alba leaf is edible and can be used to make tea, the mature M. alba fruit is sweet and juicy. M. alba fruits and leaves contain rich bioactive polysaccharides, which are shown to possess various promising bioactivities, mainly including antidiabetic, immunomodulation, anti-inflammation, antioxidation, anti-obesity, hepatoprotection and renoprotection. The main purpose of this review is to provide systematically reorganized information on structural characteristics and bioactivities of M. alba polysaccharides to support their further therapeutic potentials and sanitarian functions.