The Tg.rasH2 mouse is a hemizygous transgenic mouse, approved by regulatory agencies for carcinogenicity assessment. However, the absence of a historical database for the incidence of spontaneous neoplasms has subsequently led to reluctance by some pharmaceutical companies to adopt the use of this short-term carcinogenicity assay. Our laboratory has generated a database summarizing the mortality, body weights, and the incidence of spontaneous tumors in 1420 male and female mice assigned to 26 studies conducted at our facility. In addition, we present the incidence of tumors in positive control mice treated with urethane from these studies. Mortality in the vehicle-treated Tg.rasH2 mouse was low (average of 1% in each study). The most common spontaneous tumors in the Tg.rasH2 mice were alveolar bronchiolar adenoma of the lungs (10.14% in males and 5.77% in females) and hemangiosarcoma of the spleen (3.66% in both males and females). The incidence of all other tumors was generally very low. In the positive control, urethane-treated animals, the incidence of alveolar bronchiolar adenomas and alveolar bronchiolar carcinomas in the lungs was 93.69% and 42.88% in males and 92.43% and 72.79% in females, respectively. In addition, the incidence of splenic hemangiosarcomas in urethane-treated males was 89.18% and 92.25% in females. The 6-month Tg.rasH2 assay is more precise, faster, and more economical than the conventional 2-year mouse assays because of the low incidence of background tumors, very high survival, shorter duration, and the lower number of animals used.