In view of multi-attribute group decision-making in interval-valued intuitionistic fuzzy number and the completely unknown attribute weight, group decision-making method with improved Hamming-Hausdorff distance and weighted bidirectional projection is proposed. Considering the determination of expert weight, an expert weight solving method is proposed based on weighted bidirectional projection. Firstly, the decision matrix of each decision-making expert is aggregated to form a weighted decision matrix. Then, based on the membership matrix, non-membership matrix of individual expert, the weighted membership matrix and non-membership matrix of the group, the similarity between the individual expert and the group is calculated to determine the weight of each expert. Not only does it fully utilize decision data, but it also solves the problem of similarity misjudgment in traditional projection methods. In addition, considering completely unknown attribute weight information, the group decision-making matrix information is thoroughly examined, the definition of interval-valued intuitionistic fuzzy entropy and related calculation methods are introduced, and a linear programming decision-making method is proposed based on accuracy function of interval-valued intuitionistic fuzzy set. Based on the interval-valued intuitionistic fuzzy distance measure function of improved Hamming-Hausdorff distance, the dominance among schemes is determined using TODIM method to obtain the overall dominance of each scheme relative to other schemes, and the optimal scheme is determined by comparison and sorting. Finally, the rationality and validity of the proposed method are verified by optimal selection of venture capital research and development project.