We analyzed the primary factors influencing malevolent creativity as reported in existing research by gathering papers through comprehensive searches of the following databases: PubMed, Science Direct, KIC, Web of Science, CNKI, VIP, and Wanfang Data. We assessed the methodological quality using the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality risk of bias assessment tool, and tested the measures' reliability through conducting a convergence analysis. The cumulative probability ranking indicated that moral disengagement, aggression, Dark Triad traits (narcissism, Machiavellianism, psychopathy), and hostility were all significant factors with a ranking above 80% and, therefore, were crucial factors in inducing malevolent creativity. On the other hand, empathy, psychological resilience, conscientiousness, and age played important roles in mitigating or dissolving malevolent creativity. Emotional intelligence, openness, agreeableness, extraversion, grade point average, and verbal aggression were unrelated to malevolent creativity.