Metasurfaces integrated with waveguides have been recently explored as a means to control the conversion between guided modes and radiation modes for versatile functionalities. However, most efforts have been limited to constructing a single free-space wavefront using guided waves, which hinders the functional diversity and requires a complex configuration. Here, a new, to the best of our knowledge, type of non-uniformly arranged geometric metasurface enabling independent multi-channel wavefront engineering of guided wave radiation is ingeniously proposed. By endowing three structural degrees of freedom into a meta-atom, two mechanisms (the Pancharatnam-Berry phase and the detour phase) of the metasurface are perfectly joined together, giving rise to three phase degrees of freedom to manipulate. Therefore, an on-chip polarization demultiplexed metalens, a wavelength-multiplexed metalens, and RGB-colored holography with an improved information capacity are successively demonstrated. Our results enrich the functionalities of an on-chip metasurface and imply the prospect of advancements in multiplexing optical imaging, augmented reality (AR) holographic displays, and information encryption.