The Asia Pacific Society of Infection Control launched the APSIC guide for prevention of catheter associated urinary tract infections in July 2022. It aims to highlight practical recommendations in a concise format designed to assist healthcare facilities in the Asia Pacific region to achieve high standards in infection prevention and control practices during the management and care of patients with a urinary catheter.The guidelines were developed by an appointed workgroup comprising experts in the Asia Pacific region, following reviews of previously published guidelines and recommendations relevant to each section.It recommends that healthcare institutions have a catheter associated urinary tract infection prevention program that includes surveillance and the use of the insertion and maintenance bundles. Implementation of the bundles is best done using a quality improvement approach with a multidisciplinary team.Healthcare facilities should aim for excellence in care of patients with urinary catheters. It is recommended that healthcare facilities have a catheter associated urinary tract infection prevention program as part of their Infection Prevention and Control program.