Abstract Background Nanomaterials are widely used as pesticide adjuvants to increase pesticide efficiency and minimize environmental pollution. But it is increasingly recognized that nanocarrier is a double-edged sword, as nanoparticles are emerging as new environmental pollutants. This study aimed to determine the biotoxicity of a widely applied star polycation (SPc) nanocarrier using Drosophila melanogaster , the fruit fly, as an in vivo model. Results The lethal concentration 50 (LC 50 ) value of SPc was identified as 2.14 g/L toward third-instar larvae and 26.33 g/L for adults. Chronic exposure to a sub lethal concentration of SPc (1 g/L) in the larval stage showed long-lasting adverse effects on key life history traits. Exposure to SPc at larval stage adversely impacted the lifespan, fertility, climbing ability as well as stresses resistance of emerged adults. RNA-sequencing analysis found that SPc resulted in aberrant expression of genes involved in metabolism, innate immunity, stress response and hormone production in the larvae. Orally administrated SPc nanoparticles were mainly accumulated in intestine cells, while systemic responses were observed. Conclusions These findings indicate that SPc nanoparticles are hazardous to fruit flies at multiple levels, which could help us to develop guidelines for further large-scale application.