Possessing the attractive advantages of moderate invasiveness and high compliance, there is no doubt that microneedles (MNs) have been a gradually rising star in the field of medicine. Recent evidence implies that microelectronics technology based on microcircuits, microelectrodes and other microelectronic elements combined with MNs can realize mild electrical stimulation, drug release and various types of electrical sensing detection. In addition, the combination of microfluidics technology and MNs makes it possible to transport fluid drugs and access a small quantity of body fluids which have shown significant untapped potential for a wide range of diagnostics. Of particular note is that combining both technologies and MNs is more difficult, but is promising to build a modern healthcare platform with more comprehensive functions. This review introduces the properties of MNs that can form integrated systems with microelectronics and microfluidics, and summarizes these systems and their applications. Furthermore, the future challenges and perspectives of the integrated systems are conclusively proposed.