In this study, hollow mesoporous silica nanoparticles (HMSN) coated with a 4T1 tumor cell membrane were used to construct biomimetic nanomaterials (DTX@CHMSN) for the treatment of breast cancer. The nanodrug can improve the water solubility of polyenetaxel (DTX) by taking advantage of the special structure, good biocompatibility, and adjustable surface chemical properties of HMSN. Hollow mesoporous silica nanoparticles are coated with 4T1 cell membranes derived from homologous tumors (CHMSN). Adhesion glycoproteins on cancer cell membranes specifically bind to receptors on the cell membranes of the same cancer cell to target specific breast cancer tissues. At the same time, the cell membrane of the 4T1 tumor also contains CD47 protein, which can be specifically recognized by the immune system to produce immune escape. Therefore, the biomimetic nanomedicine DTX@CHMSN, with homologous targeting and immune escape ability, can accumulate in large quantities at the tumor site, reduce systemic toxicity, and thus improve the therapeutic effect.