Arsénio Reis,Dennis Paulino,Hugo Paredes,Isabel Barroso,Maria João Monteiro,Vítor Manuel Costa Pereira Rodrigues,João Barroso
For elderly people, social isolation is one significant factor in the deterioration of their life's quality. It has a profound impact on the general health and is produced by the diminution of social interactions. Nowadays, there is technology that can retrieve contextual data from the user's environment and interact with him in some simple, yet effective manners. The intelligent personal assistants can interact with the person by means of natural voice language. Previously, it was created a model for the adoption of electronic intelligent assistants by the elderly, as well a preliminary evaluation of the features of the intelligent personal assistants, currently available in the consumer market. In this article, it is evaluated the option of using the current consumer digital assistants to implement the proposed model. Several assistants were examined (Amazon, Google, Microsoft, and Apple), and their functionalities evaluated by creating four interaction scenarios and assessing the assistants' compliance with these scenarios.