Integrated Energy Systems (IES) is a promising system paradigm oriented towards low carbon. To meet the demand of multiple-form energy consumption and enhance primary energy utilization, IES usually embraces multiple forms of energy, such as power, heat, cold and gas. Owing to the slow response speed of heating or cooling processes, the diversity of energy forms significantly alters the IES dynamic characterization pattern. The dynamic properties of IES are now characterized by multiple time scales. Moreover, IES is moving toward an increased share of renewable energy sources (RES) and more complex load scenarios. These factors have collectively posed challenges to traditional static design and operation paradigm of IES, turning the spotlight of the new research stage on dynamic performance. In the new research period, the dynamic characteristics have been incorporated into the design and operation of IES, bringing research closer to actual operational needs. This review is presented to systematically sort out the motivation, current status, limitations and prospects of this surging research trend. First and foremost, three visions of future IES have been refined from several representative demonstration projects. The generalized survey into the static modeling, planning and scheduling of IES has been given then. Afterwards, by clarifying the gap between future challenges and current research status, the driving forces of the trend from static to dynamic are derived. In the following four sections, an in-depth review for contributing research works in IES modeling, planning, scheduling and control that manifest the dynamic trend has been conducted. The research purposes, methodologies and achievements of each paper have been carefully sorted out, followed by the summarize of limitations. Finally, forward-looking prospects to the future development of IES dynamic research are given. It is hoped that this review will cast valuable insights for both academic study and engineering practice in this field.