Cupric oxide (CuO) nanoparticles with different crystallite sizes were synthesized by thermal annealing of the copper hydroxide at various temperatures. The monoclinic crystal structure and average crystallite size was determined by using X-ray diffraction (XRD). The average crystallite sizes were varies between 15 nm and 66 nm. The dielectric studies including electrical permittivity, modulus, AC and DC conductivity were measured in ranges of frequency 20 Hz - 1 MHz and temperature 80 K–300 K. These CuO nanoparticles exhibits high dielectric permittivity value is about ≈104 at room temperature as well as intrinsic dielectric constant also increases with particle size. The relaxation process related to the temperature-independent activation energy was deduced from the electric loss scaling. AC conduction obeys universal power law, and its conduction mechanism was explained by hooping model.