The surging demand for environmental-friendly and safe electrochemical energy storage systems has driven the development of aqueous zinc (Zn)-ion batteries (ZIBs). However, metallic Zn anodes suffer from severe dendrite growth and large volume change, resulting in a limited lifetime for aqueous ZIB applications. Here, it is shown that 3D mesoporous carbon (MC) with controlled carbon and defect configurations can function as a highly reversible and dendrite-free Zn host, enabling the stable operation of aqueous ZIBs. The MC host has a structure-controlled architecture that contains optimal sp2 -carbon and defect sites, which results in an improved initial nucleation energy barrier and promotes uniform Zn deposition. As a consequence, the MC host shows outstanding Zn plating/stripping performance over 1000 cycles at 2 mA cm-2 and over 250 cycles at 6 mA cm-2 in asymmetric cells. Density functional theory calculations further reveal the role of the defective sp2 -carbon surface in Zn adsorption energy. Moreover, a full cell based on Zn@MC900 anode and V2 O5 cathode exhibits remarkable rate performance and cycling stability over 3500 cycles. These results establish a structure-mechanism-performance relationship of the carbon host as a highly reversible Zn anode for the reliable operation of ZIBs.