Soil erosion spatio-temporal exploration and Geodetection of driving factors using InVEST-sediment delivery ratio and Geodetector models in Dongsheng, China
Assessment of soil erosion processes and accurately identifying erosion drivers is crucial for effective control and conservation strategies. We introduced a new approach involving the integration of the SDR of the InVEST and Geodetector models to explore the spatio-temporal variability of erosion and investigate the key drivers contributing to soil erosion. The results revealed an average soil loss increase of 19 to 37 t ha−1 yr−1 in the watershed from 1990 to 2020, respectively. Cropland areas had the highest growth in soil loss from 26.53 in 1990 to 118.76 t ha−1 yr−1 in 2020. The Geodetector revealed that the key variables influencing erosion are vegetation, slope, precipitation, and aspect factors. The interaction of slope and aspect, slope and precipitation, had the strongest influence on erosion than other variables, with q values of 0.80 and 0.79, respectively. The approach of this study can be used in other regions characterized by severe soil erosion.