This paper presents a simulation of electric field which resonates in circular resonator that has two waveguide applicators. This paper aims to make the electric field covered mostly in the resonator in order to apply in many applications. This simulation resonator is designed to resonate the electric field at 2.45 GHz specifically that can be applied in moisture measurement process. The Computer Simulation Technology (CST) is used to create the 3D simulation of electric field in the designed resonator. The properties of soil which use as sample are loaded to simulated resonator in order to predicate the resonator performance. The simulation results denote contour of electric field with soil sample inside. This result contour can be shown by graphs of Probability Density Function (PDF) that can be used to evaluate the probability of electric field distributions in soil sample that is contained in the proposed resonator. The result shows that this resonator can distribute electric field mostly comparing with conventional resonator which is circular resonator. So, according to the simulation result, this resonator is appropriate to apply to moisture measurement application.