Tomato yellow leaf curl virus (TYLCV) is a monopartite geminivirus, and one of the most devastating plant viruses in the world. TYLCV is traditionally known to encode six viral proteins in bidirectional and partially overlapping open reading frames (ORFs). However, recent studies have shown that TYLCV encodes additional small proteins with specific subcellular localizations and potential virulence functions. Here, a novel protein named C7, encoded by a newly-described ORF in the complementary strand, was identified as part of the TYLCV proteome using mass spectrometry. The C7 protein localized to the nucleus and cytoplasm, both in the absence and presence of the virus. C7 was found to interact with two other TYLCV-encoded proteins: with C2 in the nucleus, and with V2 in the cytoplasm, forming conspicuous granules. Mutation of C7 start codon ATG to ACG to block the translation of C7 delayed the onset of viral infection, and the mutant virus caused milder virus symptoms and less accumulations of viral DNAs and proteins. Using the potato virus X (PVX)-based recombinant vector, we found that ectopic overexpression of C7 resulted in more severe mosaic symptoms and promoted a higher accumulation of PVX-encoded coat protein in the late virus infection stage. In addition, C7 was also found to inhibit GFP-induced RNA silencing moderately. This study demonstrates that the novel C7 protein encoded by TYLCV is a pathogenicity factor and a weak RNA silencing suppressor, and that it plays a critical role during TYLCV infection.