Determination of the standard rate constant for soluble-soluble quasi-reversible electrochemical systems by linear sweep voltammetry: Application to the electrochemical oxidation on screen-printed graphite electrodes
Semi-analytical approach was used for modeling and establishing Linear Sweep Voltammetry (LSV) profiles in the case of quasi-reversible electrochemical reactions involving soluble species. The effects of charge transfer coefficient (α) and dimensionless kinetic rate constant (Λ) on the shape and position of voltammograms were investigated. The combined effect on the LSV responses, peak current, half peak width and peak potential was also analyzed qualitatively and quantitatively. Kinetic curves were constructed in the form of the change in the LSV characteristics as a function of (α, Λ) and then modeled by the interpolation functions. The obtained equations are an easy-to-use tool in order to calculate the heterogeneous kinetic rate constant for quasi-reversible charge transfer. Experimental-theory validation has been performed on ferrocyanide oxidation on screen-printed graphite electrodes.