Identification and functional analysis of circulating extrachromosomal circular DNA in schizophrenia implicate its negative effect on the disorder

染色体外DNA 鉴定(生物学) 精神分裂症(面向对象编程) 医学 DNA损伤 DNA 计算生物学 遗传学 生物信息学 生物 精神科 质粒 植物
Xi Xiang,Xiaoguang Pan,Wei Lv,Shanshan Chen,Jinguang Li,Haoran Zhang,Yanhui Liao,Jiaying Yu,Jing Li,Yonghui Dang,Zifan You,Liangliang Wang,Wei Chen,Peng Han,Jinsong Tang
期刊:Clinical and translational medicine [Wiley]
卷期号:13 (11) 被引量:1

Dear Editor, Extrachromosomal circular DNA (eccDNA) is a circular DNA molecule derived and free from linear chromosomes,1 and its characteristics and potential function in schizophrenia (SCZ) remain unclear. In this study, we explored the characteristics of plasma-derived eccDNAs from 10 chronic SCZ patients and 17 healthy controls (Table S1), utilizing the Circle-seq approach. Then the molecular role of SCZ over-represented eccDNAs carrying genic segments (eccGene) was investigated by both bioinformatical and experimental analysis. The workflow of SCZ plasma sampling, eccDNA purification, sequencing and bioinformatic analysis is conducted as previously described2, 3 and is illustrated in Figure 1A. Especially, given that only the eccDNA carrying a certain length of gene segment can express potential regulatory RNA molecules,4 eccDNAs with > 60 bp overlap of certain gene loci were defined as “eccGenes” in this study. The NGS information of the two groups is listed in Table S2. In total, a median number of 7717 and 7423 eccDNA loci were identified in healthy control and SCZ plasma samples, respectively. Both the absolute number (Figure 1B) and the eccDNA counts per million mapped reads (Figure 1C) were comparable between the two groups. The length of most eccDNAs was less than 2 kb with four predominant peaks at around 197 bp, 363 bp, 555 and 747 bp (Figure 1D,E). GC content of these eccDNAs was higher than that of the average genomic distribution (Figure 1F), suggesting the generation of circulating eccDNAs was not random. Meanwhile, the generation frequency of eccDNA in each chromosome of the two groups was comparable. However, the tendency of eccDNA generation was varying in different chromosomes (Figure 1G). EccGenes showed the potential to transcribe RNAs2, 5 and produce functional si-like RNA which leads to suppression of their host genes.4 In the study, we identified 26 differential eccGenes in the healthy control group and 211 differential eccGenes in the chronic SCZ group (Table S3). Figure 2A shows the existing frequency of these eccGenes in the two groups with p-value < .03. Through comparing the 211 SCZ over-represented eccGenes with the combination of two reported SCZ high-risk gene (HRG) sets (104 and 67 HRGs) inferred from the worldwide SCZ GWAS data,6, 7 we identified the TAOK2 gene, whereas no overlapped gene was found in the healthy control-specific eccGene set (Figure 2B). Reads distribution of eccTAOK2 exhibited by the Integrative Genomics Viewer showed that three of the five detected eccTAOK2 in SCZ were derived from intron-1 of the TAOK2 gene, while the other two were from intron-8 (Figure 2C). Intriguingly, we found that the full length of the TAOK2 gene showed a very high degree of conservation in sequence in animals such as horses, cows, dogs, pandas, rats and dolphins, but not in the birds, Sarcopterygii or fish (Figure S1). Given that TAOK2 expresses broadly in many organs, the highly conserved TAKO2 gene suggests that not only the TAOK2 coding sequence but also its introns may play a critical role in the overall development of mammals. At last, we verified the existence of SCZ over-represented eccGenes in corresponding samples, including four eccTAOK2, one eccDNMT3B, two eccJAG1 and two eccSIRT5, by both outward polymerase chain reaction (PCR) (Figure 2D and Table S4) and Sanger sequencing of the eccDNA junction sites (Figure 2E). Furthermore, the Human Phenotype Ontology (HPO) analysis ( was conducted on the 211 SCZ over-represented eccGenes. The term “Intellectual disability, progressive” (IDP) was enriched significantly with FDR < 0.05 (Figure S1A, upper), while no significant term was found upon the healthy control-specific eccGenes (Figure S1A, below). Six genes contributed to the IDP term (6 of 48 genes, enrichment ratio = 11.682), including DDB2, ERCC3, PTS, UBE3A, UROC1 and XPA (Figure S2B). The existence frequency of the six eccGenes in the chronic SCZ group was significantly higher compared to the healthy control (Figure S2C). Furthermore, both outward PCR (Figure S2D) and Sanger sequencing of the junction regions (Figure S2E) verified the presence of the six IDP-related eccGenes in SCZ samples. To further study the regulatory function of eccTAOK2, we synthesized two eccDNAs carrying the segments of either the TAOK2 intron 1 or intron 8 (Table S5) using the ligase-assisted mini-circle accumulation (LAMA)4 strategy (Figure 3A left). Both the exonuclease (Figure 3A right) and the single restriction endonuclease digestion (Figure 3B) demonstrated the circular structure and high purity of the LAMA-produced artificial eccTAOK2s.Transfection of the two eccTAOK2s (Figure 3C) resulted in down-regulation of TAOK2 mRNA level in both the SH-SY5Y (Figure 3D) and U-251MG cell lines (Figure 3E). Renilla luciferase gene containing the full length of eccTAOK2#1 and #2 sequence at the 3′UTR (Table S6) were co-transfected with the artificial eccTAOK2 for dual-luciferase assays in U-251MG cells (Figure 3F). EccTAOK2#1 and eccTAOK2#2 repressed the renilla luciferase carrying their intron-origin sequences by 48.5% and 69.1%, respectively (Figure 3G). These results suggested that eccTAOK2 carrying intronic sequence was able to repress TAOK2 mRNA expression, in which the process might be dependent on the production of regulatory RNAs which target the intronic portion of pre-mRNA. To evaluate the impact of SCZ-derived eccDNA on nerve cells, the artificial eccTAOK2 was transfected in U-251MG cells and we performed the RNA-seq analysis afterwards. A total of 111 differentially expressed genes (DEGs) (46 downregulated and 65 upregulated genes) were identified in the eccTAOK2#1 transfection group (Figure 4A and Table S7). GO enrichment analysis highlighted the immune-related biological processes (Figure 4B and Table S8) and KEGG analysis showed these DEGs were enriched in two major signalling pathways: “TNF signalling pathway” and “cytokine-cytokine receptor interaction” (Figure 4C,D and Table S9). These results indicated that eccTAOK2 can dysregulate the immune-related biological processes in nerve-derived cells, suggesting a potential negative effect of eccDNA on the SCZ brain. In summary, this study delineated the circulating eccDNAs profile of SCZ and highlighted the regulatory function of eccTAOK2 and its impact on cellular immune processes, underscoring the eccDNA biology and its potential role as a noninvasive biomarker for diagnosis and monitoring of SCZ. Conception and Planning of the study: X.X., P.H. and J.T.; Acquisition and interpretation of the data: X.X, P.H., J.T., X.P., W.L., S.C., J.L., H.Z., Y.L., J.Y., J.L., Y.D., Z.Y., L.W. and W.C.; Writing and revision of the manuscript: X.X., P.H. and J.T.; Supervision of the study: X.X., P.H. and J.T.; All authors read, edited and approved the manuscript. National key R & D plan of China (Grant No. 2022YFE0103700), National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 82171495 and 81871057), the Research Start-up Fund of The Seventh Affiliated Hospital, Sun Yat-sen University (Grant No. 592026), the Shenzhen Science and Technology Innovation Commission (Grant No. JCYJ20220530145014033). Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities, Sun Yat-sen University (Grant No. 2023KYPT02). Joint Funds of the Zhejiang Provincial Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No.LBD23H090001). The authors declare no conflict of interest. All the participate in this study have signed an informed consent form proved by the Institutional Review Board (IRB) of Zhejiang University. This study was approved by the Ethics Committee of Sir Run Run Shaw Hospital School of Medicine Affiliated with Zhejiang University (IRB number: 20210205-35). The circulating eccDNA NGS data is deposited in the genome sequence archive of the Beijing Institute of Genomics, National Center for Bioinformation, Chinese Academy of Science. The accession number for the eccDNA sequencing data in this study is HRA004251. Please note: The publisher is not responsible for the content or functionality of any supporting information supplied by the authors. Any queries (other than missing content) should be directed to the corresponding author for the article.
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