The complexity of lung cancer, coupled with the imperative for personalized and precisely targeted treatment modalities, underscores the significance of sustained scientific inquiry. This comprehensive review accentuates the manifold possibilities of nanoparticles (NPs) as potent therapeutic agents for treating lung cancer. The ongoing trajectory of clinical trials is anticipated to furnish deeper insights into the safety and efficacy of NPs-based therapies for lung cancer. Nevertheless, the journey toward harnessing the full potential of NPs therapeutics demands nuanced consideration. Additional research endeavors are indispensable to fine-tune the intricacies of nanoparticle delivery systems and dosage optimization. This review paper narrates lung cancer diagnosis, conventional methods existing in lung cancer therapy, and drawbacks elaborately. The various nanotechnology approaches in the treatment of lung cancer is briefly summarized. This systematic review demonstrated the challenges, strategies, and approaches in the optimization of nanoparticle therapies. The exploration of nanoparticle therapeutics for lung cancer stands at the intersection of scientific ingenuity and clinical translation, holding the promise to reshape the landscape of lung cancer treatment in the foreseeable future.