Carcinoma in situ of the breast (CIS) comprise a heterogenous group of lesions, covering a wide spectrum of clinical conditions and histopathological changes. With respect to biological behavior, CIS range from biologically aggressive lesions with a substantial risk of progression into invasive carcinoma (IC), to lesions with a very low malignant potential. Two main types of CIS are described--ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS) and lobular carcinoma in situ (LCIS). Previous studies of CIS indicate that approximately a third will subsequently develop IC. Autopsy studies indicate that CIS is frequently occurring and it was estimated that about 20% of all women will develop CIS during lifetime. Only a minor fraction is ever diagnosed, although the incidence of DCIS is increasing, especially related to mammography screening. The lack of knowledge about the biological significance of the histopathological subtypes was the background of the present study. In 1982, a nationwide, prospective study of CIS (protocol DBCG 82-IS) was initiated by the Danish Breast Cancer Cooperative Group (DBCG). From this protocol, the group of patients treated with breast conservation surgery (BCS) constituted the material for clinico-histological investigation. A total of 275 women were included in the period 1982-89. Follow-up studies showed that recurrence rate was significantly related to nuclear size of the primary lesion. Since nuclear changes might be related to DNA content and, furthermore, many invasive breast carcinomas were shown to be DNA aneuploid, flow cytometric (FCM) DNA ploidy analysis was performed in a series of DCIS lesions. More than 80% of these lesions were DNA aneuploid, with a distribution similar to that found in invasive carcinomas. This finding raised the hypothesis that the DNA pattern of an invasive carcinoma was already established at the preinvasive stage of DCIS. Therefore, FCM DNA analysis was performed on a series of ICs with predominance of DCIS. Partial or complete concordance in DNA ploidy between DCIS and IC within the individual case was found in most cases, except for the additional presence in the IC component of DNA hyperdiploid clones that might possibly be of importance for the process of invasion. In order to further characterize CIS lesions and, possibly, to discriminate biologically different groups, immunohistochemical markers were investigated in a consecutive series of CIS and IC with predominance of DCIS. The results were correlated to the histopathological and DNA ploidy findings. In DCIS, significant correlation was shown between large nuclear size and comedonecrosis, both of which showed also strong association to DNA aneuploidy, high proliferation activity, low steroid receptor content, and overexpression of c-erbB-2 and p53--factors that may indicate an aggressive behavior. Small nuclear CIS, whether LCIS or DCIS, on the contrary, were DNA diploid with low proliferation, and no cases showed overexpression of c-erbB-2 and p53. In IC, comparison of the DCIS and the invasive component showed similar patterns. No significant differences, in neither morphology, immunohistochemistry, nor DNA ploidy, were shown between DCIS without and with invasion. These findings may indicate that none of the parameters in question may on its own be essential for the decisive event of invasive growth.