To compare the dimensions and total score of Mindful Parenting (MP) according to the Maternal Child-Feeding Style (MCFS), 2) To identify the MCFS with the highest BMI average score and to verify if there are significant differences. This study was of the descriptive and correlational type. The sample was determined for a multiple linear regression model with eight variables, significance of 0.5, test power of 90%, and effect size of .07. Participated, 334 dyads (mothers and her preschool child). The child attended 10 publish kindergartens in Monterrey, Nuevo Leon, México. Mothers answered the Interpersonal Mindfulness in Parenting Scale and the Caregiver's Feeding Styles Questionnaire. The preschooler's weight and height were measured. Descriptive and inferential statistics were applied. The MP dimension with the highest average was Emotional Awareness of the Self and the Child (Mean = 71.14, SD = 14.90), the average of the total score of MP was 69.48 (SD = 10.60). The indulgent MCFS was the most frequent 33.7% (n = 116). The authoritative MCFS presented the highest score of MP (H = 27.068, P = .001). The indulgent MCFS presented the highest average range of child's BMI (121.70) when compared against the authoritarian MCFS (102.62), a significant difference was identified (U = 5197.00, P < .05). The authoritative MCFS had highest score of MP. Moreover the authoritative MCFS had been related to health child's BMI. It is recommended to design interventions to promote MP and authoritative MCFS. …