Cuticular waxes cover the plant surface and serve as hydrophobic layer, exhibiting various wax profiles between plant species and plant organs. This paper reports comprehensive analysis of the waxes on organs exposed to air, including leaf, stem, pod pericarp, and petals (banner, wing and keel), and on seed coat enwrapped in pod pericarp of faba bean (Vicia faba). In total 7 classes of wax compounds were identified, including fatty acids, primary alcohols, alkyl esters, aldehydes, alkanes, cinnamyl alcohol esters, and alkylresorcinols. Overall, primary alcohols dominated the waxes on leaves and the seed coat enwrapped in pod pericarp, alkanes accumulated largely in stem and petals, whereas alkylresorcinols were observed in leaf, stem and pod pericarp. Organs exposed to air had higher coverage (>1.2 μg/cm2) than those on seed coat (<0.8 μg/cm2), and keel having the highest wax coverage. Meanwhile, the wax coverage on seed coat reduced during the seed development. The variations of wax coverages, compound class distributions and chain length profiles among organs suggested that wax depositions were associated with their ecophysiological functions, and the enzymes involved in wax biosynthesis also showed organ-specific.