Breast cancer is the second major reason of death among women around the world. Early and accurate breast cancer detection is important for proper treatment planning to save a life. In this paper, a deep learning-based ensemble classifier is proposed for the detection of breast cancer. The primary contributions are: (1) an efficient deep learning-based breast cancer detection method that can exhibit admirable performance with a small dataset; (2) the integration of three efficient transfer learning models (AlexNet, ResNet, and MobileNetV2), which lead to more accurate results; (3) the use of residual learning, depthwise separable convolution, and inverted residual bottleneck structure to make the system faster, as well as skip connection to make optimization easier and lastly, employing Laplacian of Gaussian (LoG) and modified high-boosting to improve performance. The experimental results convey that the suggested scheme gives superior classification performance by achieving an accuracy of 99.17% to detect abnormality and 97.75% to detect malignancy on the mini-DDSM dataset. Similarly, on the ultrasound dataset (BUSI), it provides accuracies of 96.92% and 94.62% to detect abnormality and malignancy, respectively. It also gives the best performance in another ultrasound dataset, BUS2, with 97.50% accuracy. Therefore, because of its versatility and reliability, the proposed model can be used for breast cancer detection in multimodal datasets.