The existing studies about three-way conflict analysis are based on a single type of situation tables. However, due to the complexity and uncertainty of the objective world, the rating types in a situation table may be diverse. We call this kind of situation table as a hybrid situation table. In this paper, we focus on three-way conflict analysis based on hybrid situation tables. First of all, we propose the conception of hybrid situation tables. By aggregating conflict distances for a single type of rating, we give the conception of hybrid conflict distances in a hybrid situation table. On this basis, we establish a three-way conflict analysis model w.r.t. multiple issues based on hybrid situation tables. Secondly, we define (maximal) strong alliances, (maximal) weak alliances, and maximal alliances, which can help to find a conflict resolution method in a hybrid situation table. In order to resolve conflict, we define feasible strategies in a hybrid situation table and use interval-valued decision-theoretic rough sets to approximate maximal strong alliances w.r.t. feasible strategies. Besides, we propose the conception of evaluation functions for finding an optimal strategy. Finally, we explore a governance problem of government to illustrate the validity and feasibility of the proposed method.