The aim of this research was to study the dynamic of N in the intercropping pattern of maize and soybeans given residues of maize and soybeans and their biochar. Information on the use of plant residues from crop residues and biochar as amendments and sources of organic matter in different cropping patterns against nitrogen dynamics in the field is still lacking. The experiment was arranged in a divided plot design with five residual treatments as subplots and five cropping patterns as the main plots. Measurement of the dynamics of N, pH and C-soil organic was carried out to study the interaction effect of the two treatments. The results showed that residues of corn, soybeans or those containing soybeans residues and their biochar in different intercropping patterns significantly affected levels of Nitrogen, C-organic, and soil pH, where the increase in total N levels was highest in corn and soybean residues and biochar in corn intercropping and soybean (1:2), and (2:4), and for soil organic content increase to 1.93% when the plats were 15 DAS, increased to 3,22% at 30 DAS and then decreased to 1,19% at plant age 45 DAS. Thus, giving corn and sobean residues and biochar to corn-soybean intercropping can increase the total N and C-organic soil levels