In the past, the perspective of training programs has been used to understand employee motivation. However, there is a lack of normative and perceptive support that can guide the development of online training programs. Therefore, there is a need to understand employee motivation from the perspective of online training. This study aims to understand employee motivation and its relationship with online training in an organizational setting. The study adopted empirical research to investigate the relationship between training goals and trainee intentions to undergo online training, the role of self-efficacy in this relationship, and the expectancy of the learners from online training programs. The study tests the factors identified from the literature review for model validation. A total of 15 items were used in a survey of 812 randomly selected respondents from the organization in Belagavi, Karnataka, India. The structural equation modeling techniques were applied to explore and validate the model. The results show that factors such as learning goals, social interaction, time management and personalization have a great role to play in building training intention in the online environment, and the successful realization of the training goals.