Expanding Donor Options for Lung Transplant: Extended Criteria, Donation After Circulatory Death, ABO Incompatibility, and Evolution of Ex Vivo Lung Perfusion
Only using brain-dead donors with standard criteria, the existing donor shortage has never improved in lung transplantation. Currently, clinical efforts have sought the means to use cohorts of untapped donors, such as extended criteria donors, donation after circulatory death, and donors that are ABO blood group incompatible, and establish the evidence for their potential contribution to the lung transplant needs. Also, technical maturation for using those lungs may eliminate immediate concerns about the early posttransplant course, such as primary graft dysfunction or hyperacute rejection. In addition, recent clinical and preclinical advances in ex vivo lung perfusion techniques have allowed the safer use of lungs from high-risk donors and graft modification to match grafts to recipients and may improve posttransplant outcomes. This review summarizes recent trends and accomplishments and future applications for expanding the donor pool in lung transplantation.