Licia P. Luna,Joaquim Raduà,Lydia Fortea,Gisela Sugranyes,Adriana Fortea,Paolo Fusar‐Poli,Lee Smith,Joseph Firth,Jae Il Shin,André R. Brunoni,M. Ishrat Husain,Muhammad O. Husian,Haris I. Sair,Walber O. Mendes,Luiz Ricardo Araújo Uchôa,Michael Berk,Michaël Maes,Zafiris J. Daskalakis,Sophia Frangou,Michele Fornaro,Eduard Vieta,Brendon Stubbs,Marco Solmi,André F. Carvalho
Neuroimaging findings in people at either genetic risk or at clinical high-risk for psychosis (CHR-P) or bipolar disorder (CHR-B) remain unclear. A meta-analytic review of whole-brain voxel-based morphometry (VBM) and functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) studies in individuals with genetic risk or CHR-P or CHR-B and controls identified 94 datasets (N = 7942). Notwithstanding no significant findings were observed following adjustment for multiple comparisons, several findings were noted at a more liberal threshold. Subjects at genetic risk for schizophrenia or bipolar disorder or at CHR-P exhibited lower gray matter (GM) volumes in the gyrus rectus (Hedges' g = −0.19). Genetic risk for psychosis was associated with GM reductions in the right cerebellum and left amygdala. CHR-P was associated with decreased GM volumes in the frontal superior gyrus and hypoactivation in the right precuneus, the superior frontal gyrus and the right inferior frontal gyrus. Genetic and CHR-P were associated with small structural and functional alterations involving regions implicated in psychosis. Further neuroimaging studies in individuals with genetic or CHR-B are warranted.