Improved Access to {[ω-(Phosphanyl)alkyl]cyclopentadienyl}cobalt(I) Complexes: Decomplexation of the Phosphane Arm; Alkyne Complexes; Synthesis of Mononuclear Vinylidenecobalt(I) Complexes
An improved synthesis of [(2-phosphanylethyl)cyclopenta-dienyl]cobalt(I) chelate complexes is presented, in which the paramagnetic chloride 3 is a precursor of the ethene complex 4. The latter readily undergoes ligand exchange reactions which in the case of bidendate reagents (1,5-cyclooctadiene, 1,2-bis(diisopropylphosphanyl)ethane, 2,2′-bipyridine, nor-bornadiene) cause a decomplexation of the phosphane arm at room temperature with formation of 7, 5, 6, 8. The ethene ligand in 4 can be replaced by alkynes under equally mild reaction conditions (formation of 9, 11 – 16). The reaction with ethyne results in the formation of vinylidene complex 10. The yields of the reactions with nonaromatic alkynes could be improved by treating 3 with the alkyne in the presence of sodium amalgam. The unsubstituted vinylidene complex 10 and its tert-butyl derivative 17 were obtained by this route in 38 and 40% yield, respectively.