Clark J. Zeebregts,Wolff M. Kirsch,Michel M. P. J. Reijnen,Yong Zhu,J.J.A.M. van den Dungen
The Anastoclip Vessel Closure System (VCS) (LeMaitre Vascular, Burlington, MA, USA), introduced primarily to facilitate microvascular anastomoses performed during neurosurgical extra-intracranial bypasses, has been used for several other applications as well. The relatively new anastomotic technique includes a clip applier, clip remover, and everting forceps. With the applier, tiny nonpenetrating titanium clips were installed on everted walls of tubular structures. The technical ease of application, reduced anastomotic time, superior hemodynamics, and an improved healing pattern at the anastomosis have been recognized as major advantages compared to conventional suturing. This chapter describes the various indications for use of the system and categorizes them by specific surgical specialties, which include neurosurgery, urology, and gynecology, as well as plastic and reconstructive, vascular, thoracic, transplantation, hepatopancreaticobiliary, and orthopedic and trauma surgery. The largest clinical experience with clips is in vascular access surgery for hemodialysis purposes, both in autologous constructs and with prosthetic grafts. Promising clinical results also have been achieved in neurosurgical cases (both for microvascular anastomoses and with closure of dura mater), microvascular free-tissue transfer, and renal and liver transplantations. Future clinical applications include the use of clips for nerve repair and closure of various types of tubular structures using a laparoscopic approach.