Associations between soil minerals and microbially derived organic matter (often referred to as mineral-associated organic matter or MAOM) form a large pool of slowly cycling carbon (C). The rhizosphere, soil immediately adjacent to roots, is thought to control the spatial extent of MAOM formation because it is the dominant entry point of new C inputs to soil. However, emphasis on the rhizosphere implicitly assumes that microbial redistribution of C into bulk (non-rhizosphere) soils is minimal. We question this assumption, arguing that because of extensive fungal exploration and rapid hyphal turnover, fungal redistribution of soil C from the rhizosphere to bulk soil minerals is common, and encourages MAOM formation. First, we summarize published estimates of fungal hyphal length density and turnover rates and demonstrate that fungal C inputs are high throughout the rhizosphere-bulk soil continuum. Second, because colonization of hyphal surfaces is a common dispersal mechanism for soil bacteria, we argue that hyphal exploration allows for the non-random colonization of mineral surfaces by hyphae-associated taxa. Third, these bacterial communities and their fungal hosts determine the chemical form of organic matter deposited on colonized mineral surfaces. Collectively, our analysis demonstrates that omission of the hyphosphere from conceptual models of soil C flow overlooks key mechanisms for MAOM formation in bulk soils. Moving forward, there is a clear need for spatially explicit, quantitative research characterizing the environmental drivers of hyphal exploration and hyphosphere community composition across systems, as these are important controls over the rate and organic chemistry of C deposited on minerals.