There were few studies about training effects of wheelchair dance on aerobic fitness in the bedridden individuals with severe cerebral palsy for whom the traditional maximal or submaximal exercise tests were not applicable. As the oxygen pulse (O2P), the oxygen uptake divided by the heart rate, is regarded to be a relative measure of stroke volume and the O2P correlates to peak oxygen uptake, we would be able to assess the training effects of wheelchair dance on aerobic fitness in those individuals measuring O2P.To study training effects of wheelchair dance on aerobic fitness in bedridden individuals with severe athetospastic cerebral palsy.Pre-post study design.A laboratory and a community care center.Bedridden individuals with athetospastic cerebral palsy rated to Gross Motor Function Classification System (GMFCS) level V (N.=6).The O2P was compared between during the rest, the waltz, and the jive at the baseline, the 3rd, the 6th, and the 12th month of the intervention of wheelchair dance 6 to 15 minutes at a time, 2 days a week or more.Paired Student's t-test showed that O2P during the waltz and the jive was significantly increased compared with that during the rest at the 6th and the 12th month, and O2P during the jive was also significantly increased compared with that during the rest at the 3rd, the 6th, and the 12th month of the intervention period.This is the first study that shows wheelchair dance may possibly increase aerobic fitness in bedridden individuals with severe athetospastic cerebral palsy rated GMFCS level V. Future studies with a larger sample will be warranted to prove the claim.