Health effects attributable to short-term and long-term ambient air pollution (AAP) exposure in Indian population are less understood. This study evaluates the effect of short time and long-term exposure to AAP on respiratory morbidity, mortality and premature mortality for the exposed population. A total of 59 studies are reviewed to examine the effects of short-term exposure (n = 23); long-term exposure (n = 18) and premature mortality (n = 18). Short-term exposures to ambient pollutants have strong associations between COPD, respiratory illnesses and higher rates of hospital admission or visit. The long-term effects of AAP, associated with deficit lung function, asthma, heart attack, cardiovascular mortality and premature mortality have received much attention. Particulate matter (PM2.5 and PM10) is primarily responsible for respiratory health problems. Out of 18 literature reviewed on premature mortality, most (12 of 18) studies have statistically significant associations between AAP exposure and increased premature mortality risk.