Mathematics anxiety (MA), general and test anxieties affect mathematics performance. However, little is known about how different anxiety profiles (i.e. individual configurations of anxiety forms) influence the relationship between MA and mathematics performance in university students. To the best of our knowledge, studies that have categorized participants based on their anxiety profiles and investigated how such groups differ in mathematics performance and other individual characteristics have all been conducted only with children and adolescents. Using latent profile analysis, we identified five different anxiety profiles in UK university students (N = 328) based on their MA, test anxiety (TA) and trait general anxiety levels (GA). Beyond extreme profiles (high or low levels in all forms of anxiety), we found groups characterized by more specific anxiety forms (MA profile, TA profile and high anxiety with low MA learning profile). These profiles were differentially related to arithmetic performance (but not the performance in a non-mathematics task), and individual factors (e.g. self-concept and self-efficacy). Results can inform the design of interventions tailored to individuals' unique anxiety profiles and highlight the necessity to further study the underpinning mechanisms that drive the MA developmental trajectory from childhood to adulthood.