The etiology of anemia has tremendous overlap with the disease states responsible for cognitive decline. We used data from a perioperative database of older adults undergoing elective surgery with anesthesia to (1) examine relationships among preoperative anemia blood markers, preoperative screeners of cognitive function, and chronic disease status; and (2) examine the relationship of these factors with operative outcomes. The primary goal of this study was to investigate the association between preoperative anemia blood markers and cognition measured by a preoperative cognitive screener. Secondary goals were to (1) examine the relationship between preoperative anemia blood markers and chronic disease states (ie, American Society of Anesthesiologists [ASA] and frailty), and (2) investigate the relationship of preoperative anemia blood markers and cognition with operative outcomes (ie, discharge disposition, 1-year mortality, number of surgical complications, length of hospital stay, and length of intensive care unit [ICU] stay).