A procedure to determine albendazole and ivermectin in veterinary formulations, like tablet, bolus, oral suspensions, and injections by micellar liquid chromatography, has been developed. Sample preparation was a batch solid-to-liquid extraction in mobile phase, consisting of a stirring step (15 min), followed by ultrasonication (15 min) and filtration of the obtained supernatant, to reach a target concentration of 2 mg/L for both analytes. Using a mobile phase of 0.15 M sodium dodecyl sulfate-6% 1-pentanol buffered at pH 3 with a 0.01 M phosphate salt, running at 1 mL/min through a C18 column, both drugs were resolved in less than 10 min. Absorbance detection wavelength was 292 nm. Procedure was validated by the guidelines of the International Council on Harmonization in terms of specificity, calibration range (0.025-5 mg/L), trueness (97.8%-102.6%), precision (<2.2%), and system suitability. The method was found easy-to-handle, low cost, safe, green, and with high sample-throughput, thus useful for routine analysis. Therefore, it represents a valuable alternative for quality control of veterinary formulations. It was applied to samples of veterinary formulations purchased from local chemists and veterinarians, and label claims were inside the acceptance criteria (95%-105%).