期刊:IEEE Transactions on Computational Social Systems [Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers] 日期:2023-01-01卷期号:: 1-11
Due to important applications in viral marketing, influence maximization (IM) has become a well-studied problem. It aims at finding a small subset of initial users so that they can deliver information to the largest amount of users through the word-of-mouth effect. The original IM only considers a singleton item. And the majority of extensions ignore the relationships among different items or only consider their competitive interactions. In reality, the diffusion probability of one item will increase when users adopted supplementary products in advance. Motivated by this scenario, we propose a supplementary independent cascade (IC) and discuss the supplementary IM problem. Our problem is NP-hard, and the computation of the objective function is #P-hard. We notice that the diffusion probability will change when considering the impact of its supplementary product. Therefore, the efficient reverse influence sampling (RIS) techniques cannot be applied to our problem directly even though the objective function is submodular. To address this issue, we utilize the sandwich approximation (SA) strategy to obtain a data-dependent approximate solution. Furthermore, we define the supplementary-based reverse reachable (SRR) sets and then propose a heuristic algorithm. Finally, the experimental results on three real datasets support the efficiency and superiority of our methods.