Good Moments to Stimulate the Brain – A randomized controlled double-blinded study on anodal transcranial direct current stimulation of the ventromedial prefrontal cortex on two different time points in a two-day fear conditioning paradigm
It is assumed that extinction learning is a suitable model for understanding the mechanisms underlying exposure therapy. Furthermore, there is evidence that non-invasive brain stimulation (NIBS) can elevate extinction learning by enhancing frontal brain activity and therefore NIBS can augment symptom reduction during exposure therapy in phobias. But, the underlying processes are still not well established. Open questions arise from NIBS time points and electrode placement, among others. Therefore, we investigated in a 2-day fear conditioning experiment, whether anodal transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) of the ventromedial prefrontal cortex (vmPFC) modulates either fear memory consolidation or dampened fear reaction during fear extinction. Sixty-six healthy participants were randomly assigned either to a group that received tDCS after fear acquisition (and before fear memory consolidation), to a group that received tDCS directly before fear extinction, or to a control group that never received active stimulation (sham). Differential skin conductance response (SCR) to CS+ vs. CS- was significantly decreased in both tDCS-groups compared to sham group. Our region of interest, the vmPFC, was stimulated best focally with a lateral anode position and a cathode on the contralateral side. But this comes along with a slightly lateral stimulation of vmPFC depending on whether anode is placed left or right. To avoid unintended effects of stimulated sides the two electrode montages (anode left or right) were mirror-inverted which led to differential effects in SCR and electrocortical (mainly late positive potential [LPP]) data in our exploratory analyses. Results indicated that tDCS-timing is relevant for fear reactions via disturbed fear memory consolidation as well as fear expression, and this depends on whether vmPFC is stimulated with either left- or right-sided anode electrode montage. Electrocortical data can shed more light on the underlying neural correlates and exaggerated LPP seems to be associated with disturbed fear memory consolidation and dampened SCR to CS+ vs. CS-, but solely in the right anode electrode montage. Further open questions addressing where and when to stimulate the prefrontal brain in the course of augmenting fear extinction are raised.