Yang Cheng,Hanshen Huang,Junyu Tang,Joseph Lanier,Katelyn Lazareno,Hao‐Kai Chang,Angus Shing Fung Chui,Chao‐Yao Yang,Fengyuan Yang,Ran Cheng,Kang L. Wang
In the burgeoning field of spintronics, antiferromagnetic materials (AFMs) are attracting significant attention for their potential to enable ultra-fast, energy-efficient devices. Thin films of AFMs are particularly promising for practical applications due to their compatibility with spin-orbit torque (SOT) mechanisms. However, studying these thin films presents challenges, primarily due to the weak signals they produce and the rapid dynamics driven by SOT, that are too fast for conventional electric transport or microwave techniques to capture. The time-resolved magneto-optical Kerr effect (TR-MOKE) has been a successful tool for probing antiferromagnetic dynamics in bulk materials, thanks to its sub-picosecond (sub-ps) time resolution. Yet, its application to nanometer-scale thin films has been limited by the difficulty of detecting weak signals in such small volumes. In this study, the first successful observation of antiferromagnetic dynamics are presented in nanometer-thick orthoferrite films using the pump-probe technique to detect TR-MOKE signal. This paper report an exceptionally low damping constant of 1.5 × 10-4 and confirms the AFM magnonic nature of these dynamics through angular-dependent measurements. Furthermore, it is observed that electrical currents can potentially modulate these dynamics via SOT. The findings lay the groundwork for developing tunable, energy-efficient spintronic devices, paving the way for advancements in next-generation spintronic applications.