期刊:International journal of GEOMATE : geotechnique, construction materials and environment [International Journal of Geomate] 日期:2017-07-01被引量:2
Traditionally, asphalt binder is characterized by a dynamic shear rheometer, which applies a shearload on a bulk volume of liquid asphalt binder to determine shear modulus (G*). Recently, a nanoindentation testcan characterize an asphalt binder film in the form of a coating around roadway aggregates, which is more practical.In a nanoindentation test, a sharp tip is used to indent an asphalt film while residing on an aggregate surface todetermine nanoindentation modulus (E). This study evaluates whether there is a relation between G* and E. Forboth tests, replicate samples were conditioned in three ways: unaged, rolling thin film oven aged, and pressurevessel aging. Results show that the E-value is approximately 2 to 6 times larger than the G*-value based on allsamples/conditioning.