Abstract Reversibility, usually evaluated by Coulombic efficiency (CE) and limited by dendrite growth, has become the major roadblock toward the widespread commercialization of zincion batteries. Tailoring the Zn deposition behavior is vital to prevent dendrite growth. In this work, the facet‐terminator serine is introduced to modulate the interface and obstruct the rampant growth of the Zn (100) plane. The serine cation (Ser + ) is revealed to preferentially adsorb onto the electrode/electrolyte interface, suppressing the interfacial parasitic reaction. Theoretical analysis and postmortem/operando experimental techniques indicate that the Ser + bestows (100)‐dominated morphology to zinc anodes, enabling a highly reversible and dendrite‐free Zn anode. These features endow the Zn anode with a long cyclic life of more than 800 h for Zn//Zn batteries and a high average Coulombic efficiency of 99.8% at 5 mA cm −2 and 5 mAh cm −2 for Zn//Cu batteries. When assembling with commercial V 2 O 5 , the full battery delivers a high capacity of 345.1 mAh g −1 at 5 A g −1 with a retention of 74.1% over 2000 cycles.