Researchers must understand how agile and resilient practices work together as ‘resilient agility’ in impacting performance and seek empirical support. In this research, a conceptual model of ‘resilient agility’ is proposed using three constructs of operational practices—‘agile-only’, ‘resilient-only’, and ‘shared’ practices –and four constructs of performance: ‘cost’, ‘delivery’, ‘flexibility’, and ‘time to recovery’. The practice bundles are then linked to appropriate performance objectives using the literature and the practice-based view. Finally, the conceptual model was tested using data from a survey of Tier-1 suppliers to auto manufacturers in Iran. Confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) was used for the measurement model and structural equation modelling (SEM) for the structural model to link agility and resilience to performance. The SEM results showed several significant links in the structural model, suggesting how agility and resilience work together to achieve desired performance objectives. Researchers will find this research helpful in building mid-range theory tying practices associated with resilient agility to operational performance.